编辑:德国留学费用 2024-12-30 09:30 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com
Working Holiday Visa in New Zealand
Each year, New Zealand offers 1000 spots to Chinese citizens for working in the country through the Working Holiday Visa (WHV).
Application Requirements:
1. Education: High school graduate or above.
2. Language proficiency: IELTS Academic or General: 5.5OET: Grade C or higherFCE: 162 points or morePTE: 42 points or moreTOEFL: 46 points or more.
3. Financial guarantee: NZ$4,200 or more.
4. Age range: Between 18 and 30 years old (up to the day before your 31st birthday).
5. Physical examination: Chest X-ray required.
6. No previous拒绝史 in New Zealand.
7. Residency in China for the past 1-2 years prior to applying for the visa.
The visa is valid for one year.
抢号时间 (Application Timing):
The application is open in June every year.
After a successful application:
1. Sign the visa within one month.
2. Enter New Zealand within one year after the visa is issued.
3. You are allowed to work for each employer for a period of three months.
4. Before the expiry of the WHV, you can convert it to a work visa or student visa.
(Note: This article is originally edited by me. Please indicate the source if you need to reprint.)
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