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编辑:去美国留学费用 2019-04-13 15:57 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com


  Harvard Business School Essay:What are your three most substantial acplishments and hy do you vie them as such?


  During my third year in college, I set up the first student-run legal aid hotline in my city, offering legal assistance to female migrant orkers, many of hom ere plagued by domestic violence and unequal treatment in the orkplace.

  Shocked by their situation hen doing social ork, I came up ith the idea of a legal aid hotline. I recruited a team of la students, led the initial fundraising of $1500, and secured time mitment from our professors for legal advice. The hotline started operation to months later.

  The success of the first case as a huge encouragement. A young girl, ho lost her finger in a ork accident, as refused penion by her employer, citing no formal contract. I spent months traveling across the city and going through papers to collect evidence of contractual relationship, and finally on her the deserved pensation.

  I continued to lead the hotline until my graduation, hen it had gron to handle more than 400 calls a year and on funding from several Foundations. Fourth year in operation, it is no part of the largest NGO ork in my province. This acplishment fulfilled my dream of helping the underprivileged.


  I as the only "amateur" of a seven-girl team that on the gold for omen's gymnastics in the Beijing University Games.

  After an injury in the team, the coach asked me to join because I as the "best amateur". But I quickly discovered the big gap ith a professional. Seeing my teammates easily bend their legs over head or jump ith a perfect split, I could barely keep up ith their pace.

  I as extremely nervous to bee a drag to the team, and ruin their "golden dream". So ere my teammates. I begged the coach for extra intensive training in body flexibility. Everyday I trained to hours more than the team in the midst of heavy la curriculum. I got blisters on both feet and almost injured myself from forcing too hard on a split. The rest of the team gradually changed their attitude toards me and e bonded more closely.

  Four months later, I could perform as ell as anyone else in the team. When e finally on first place, the team thre me in the air. Tears in my eyes, I could see big smile on everyone's face. Through relentless effort I earned respect from the team and together e achieved the best.


  In my second year as a consultant, I helped a multinational pharmaceutical pany bring affordable medicine to more than one million people in rural China.

  The project as to find ne groth areas for the pany. Accustomed to "the usual ays of business", the client initially only focused on large cities. Hoever, my experience told me that "capturing rural China" ould not only pose a long-term groth opportunity, but also fill a major gap of medical supply in rural areas. I convinced the client to make "rural groth" a priority.

  The most challenging part as to design a cost-effective model to serve the vast and dispersed rural market. Having selected thirty representative rural areas, I led a client team across China to intervie local distributors, pharmacies and hospitals. Armed ith firsthand knoledge, I proposed a model using innovative tools like mobile clinics, makeshift orkshops and promotion-on-the-van. We further backed up our ideas ith concrete cost-benefit analysis.

  The CEO as impressed by the "local ays" of selling medicine. He authorized a pilot model in five areas across China. The initial results shoed good financial return, but more importantly, brought access to quality medicine for over one million rural people.


  Three most substantial acplishments(三个最重要的成就)是美国哈佛大学商学院MBA申请essay最经典的题目,而且已经持续了多年。很多申请人看到这个题目都很头痛。,什么样的经历才能算是substantial acplishment(重要成就),如何选材成为一个难点;第二,文章限定是600字,那么每个小故事就只有200个字左右的空间来发挥,要求言辞简练精确而精彩。

  这篇文章可以成为大多数尝试写HBS essay的申请者学习的范文。看作者的选材,3个小故事的选材非常全面从内容上看,volunteer ork(志愿者活动),extracurricular ork(课外活动)和professional ork(专业领域)三个方面各取其一。从每个故事反映出来的作者的优秀品质上看分别从社会责任感、坚忍不拔和创新性思维等多角度塑造出一个完整而优秀的人格形象。从三个故事的排列来看,作者把工作的例子放在是很用心的安排。

