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编辑:小语种学习 2019-05-30 19:06 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com


By Mao Dun

海是深蓝色的,说不上光滑;排了队的小浪开正步走,数不清有多少,喊着口令“一,二—— 一”似的,朝喇叭口的海塘来了。挤到沙滩边,噗嘶! ——队伍解散,喷着愤怒的白沫。后一排又赶着扑上来了。
The sea is deep blue, and cannot be called smooth, for countless ros of small breakers are marching in parade-step as if folloing the shouted mand, “One, to! One! "—toards the trumpet-shaped jetty. Croded close together, they rush to the sandy beach-splash! The marching ranks scatter and burst into angry spray. The ros immediately behind follo suit.

三只五只的白鸥轻轻地掠过,翅膀扑着波浪—一 一点一点躁怒起来的波浪。风在掌号。冲锋号!小波浪跳跃着,每一个像个大眼睛,闪射着金光。满海全是金眼睛,全在跳跃二海塘下空隆空隆地腾起了喊杀。
A fe hite seagulls flicker across the surface of the sea, quickly and lightly, ings skimming the aves hich bee, little by little, increasingly restive. The ind is trumpeting, a bugle calling to charge! Small breakers spring up, each breaker like a large eye casting out golden sparks. The hole sea is full of golden eyes, all leaping. Rumble-rumble… beneath the jetty a battle cry bursts forth.

The sea's golden eyes fall into ranks, each rank pursued by the next, each angrier than the last and deepening to blood-red as they stretch to the golden line of the horizon. There, above, lies the fiery half circle of the setting sun!

Half the sky burns red, pressing heavily don upon the bald head of the sun.

The indignantly struggling sun seems to be saying:

"Ohl Oh! 1 have pleted today's historic duty; I have finished today's journey! No, no, my time to rest has e; my time to die is here. Oh! Oh l And yet, it is also my rebirth that ill soon begin! Tomorro, from the other end of the sea, 1 shall bravely hoist myself up, give you light, give you armth, give you joy!"


风带着永远不会死的太阳的宣言到全世界。高的喜马拉雅山的最高峰,汪洋的太平洋,阴郁的古老的小村落,银的白光冰凝了的都市—— 一切,一切,夕阳都喷上了一口血焰!
The ind carries the declaration of the never-dying sun to all the orld. The highest peaks of the Himalayas; the endless aters of the Pacific; small, old, gloomy villages; cities frozen by silver lights upon each and every one, the setting sun scatters its blood-red flames!

The sky, deepening to ochre, is broken by to or three seagulls.

The ind that carried the declaration of the dying sun has gone.

As if suddenly melting, the countless leaping golden eyes smooth themselves don into a great, dull, green face.

From near, then far, corms the solemn, trade sound of a flute.

Night's black curtain ill be heavily loered, but has not yet pletely fallen.

The ind, having gone no-one-knos-here, suddenly returns, returns as a beating drum: Boom-lum-lum, Boom- lum-lum! Ho, not the ind alone, but thunder? The ind carries the of thunder!

The sea roils again, aves surging high, crash! Crash!

To the night-bound sea a storm has e!