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编辑:小语种学习 2019-05-30 19:06 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com

Communication is one eapon that can help you climb the success ladder in every sphere of your life, be it your personal life or your professional life. For effective munication, you need to express your thoughts ith the right ords at the right time, and for this you need to have a strong vocabulary.

You must have ondered ho some people are so good ith their ords hile others fumble to express themselves due to lack of ords. No one is born ith it; they acquire it in the course of their life. Some do it naturally and faster than the others hile others go a little slo and there are some ho never do it, may be because they don’t kno ho to do it.

Here are a fe ays to improve your vocabulary to a great level.

1. The first thing is to go back to your childhood and teach your mind to be as open as a child so that it can take in any ne ord that it es across.

A child is ever inquisitive and alays eager to learn. If it does not understand a thing, it never hesitates to ask for an explanation. We should train our brain in the same fashion.

It is tough for an adult brain to learn a ne ord and remember it as a child can because their mind is paratively empty and can easily store these ne ords. Hoever ith little and regular exercise, an adult brain can also teach itself to make space and open up his mind for ne ords.

2. Words have greater retention hen acpanied ith related visuals. For instance, it is easier to remember names of persons hom e have met face to face rather than those hom e have only heard of or talked to over the phone. Therefore it ould be a good practice to associate any ne ord that you e across ith some sort of visuals.

3. Another great exercise is to take note of any ne ord that you e across hile reading. No it is told that reading is a great habit to increase one’s vocabulary.

Hoever, one does not alays understand every ord one reads. So, it is a good practice to note don any unfamiliar ord that you e across to look it up in the dictionary later on. While reading you can also try to understand an unfamiliar ord relating it to the context, if you can not access a dictionary.

4. When you are looking up for a ne ord, it alays helps hen you elaborate on its explanation. You can look up for its synonyms and antonyms, that is, ords that are similar and also opposite of the ne ord.

For example, “enormous” hose synonyms are “giant”, “huge” and its antonyms are “small” or “little”. You can also look up for homonyms in hich to ords have similar spelling and pronunciation but have different meanings.