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编辑:小语种学习 2019-05-30 19:06 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com

"I'm a real go-getter ho alays thinks outside the box, demonstrates thought leadership, and proactively motivates myself!" If this sentence made you cringe, you're not alone. These phrases e from the ne CareerBuilder survey on the best and orst résumé terms.

The pany surveyed 2,201 hiring managers and HR people to e up ith the best of the best and the orst of the orst.

The Worst Résumé Terms

1. Best of breed: 38 percent
1. 最佳员工38%

2. Go-getter: 27 percent
2. 实干家27%

3. Think outside of the box: 26 percent
3. 具有创新性思维26%

4. Synergy: 22 percent
4. 合作能力良好22%

5. Go-to person: 22 percent
5. 关键人物22%

6. Thought leadership: 16 percent
6. 具有领导者思维16%

7. Value add: 16 percent
7. 增值16%

8. Results-driven: 16 percent
8. 注重结果16%

9. Team player: 15 percent
9. 具有团队合作精神15%

10. Bottom-line: 14 percent
10. 有底线14%

11. Hard orker: 13 percent
11. 努力工作13%

12. Strategic thinker: 12 percent
12. 具有战略性思维12%

13. Dynamic: 12 percent
13. 思维灵活12%

14. Self-motivated: 12 percent
14. 积极主动12%

15. Detail-oriented: 11 percent
15. 注重细节11%

The Best Résumé Terms

1. Achieved: 52 percent
1. 已经取得52%

2. Improved: 48 percent
2. 得到提高的48%

3. Trained/Mentored: 47 percent
3. 经过培训或指导47%

4. Managed: 44 percent
4. 达成了44%

5. Created: 43 percent
5. 创造了43%

6. Resolved: 40 percent
6. 解决了40%

7. Volunteered: 35 percent
7. 志愿做了35%

8. Influenced: 29 percent
8. 影响了29%

9. Increased/Decreased: 28 percent
9. 增加了/减低了:28%

10. Ideas: 27 percent
10. 方法27%

11. Negotiated: 25 percent
11. 谈判25%

12. Launched: 24 percent
12. 开展了24%

13. Revenue/Profits: 23 percent
13. 收入/利益23

14. Under budget: 16 percent
14. 预算节省16%

15. Won: 13 percent
15 赢得了13%