Harmony and unqualified happiness are natural to each and every one of us, yet here’s ho a typical orkday looks and feels for too many people. We ake up, drag ourselves out of bed, and, even before e get to the bathroom, e begin orrying or planning hat ill happen during the day ahead. We are already spending hat little energy e have stored up from our night’s sleep – if e ere lucky enough to have had one. Many of us then mute to our jobs, hich puts additional stress on us due to traffic, or mass transit crod, or just the frustration of “asted” time. Once e arrive, e’re not excited to be there and e are dreading the things e must get done. As e push ourselves through the day, e look ahead to lunch or the end of business. We have various interactions ith coorkers – some satisfactory, many not. Since e believe there is nothing much e can do about anything that happens or ho e feel about it, usually e simply stuff don out emotions and barrel on forard.
By the time e’re done for the day, e’re exhausted from bottling up our feelings. Maybe e drag ourselves to the local bar to hang out ith some friends and eat, drink, and atch the nes on TV – hich adds its on layer of stress – hoping our feelings ill just disappear. Even though e may feel a little better afterards, in truth, the feelings have only gone underground. We are no like human pressure cookers ith plugged stopcocks, and it takes us tremendous energy to keep the lid on. When e finally get home to our husbands or ives and children, and they ant to talk about their days ith us, e have no energy left to listen. We might try to put on a happy face only to lose our tempers over the smallest things. The family eventually zones out in front of the TV until it is time to go to bed.
And the next morning e get up and start the hole scenario over again.