Some people think that risk-taking actions such as rock-climbing and skydiving requires a lot of bravery, hile others think this is not brave, but simply foolish. Which vie do you agree ith and explain hy.

A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year, hich one of the folloing adjectives ould you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish?
Well, I’d definitely call these people brave. My understanding of the ord “bravery” is that one is ready to face and endure danger. And these people are doing just that. They are out there jumping off a cliff, or jumping don from a plane, all of hich ①takes a lot of nerve.Compared to them, my life as an ordinary office orker ould ②have nothing to do ith the ord “bravery”. Everyday I’d get up, ③mute to my pany, and ④punch the clock. Even if I had the chance to go skydiving, I’d probably say no. So I’d⑤give them a thumbs up.
And as for the ord “foolish”, I think e ⑥are not in the right position to call them that, because even if they are ⑦risking lives doing extreme sports, it’s their choices after all.
托福口语练习题目 Do you agree or disagree that people from ordinary background ill bee better government leader?
Sample anser
Well, actually, I totally agree that people from an ordinary background can be a better government leader. This is primarily because, first, they obviously ork harder, I mean, people ith an ordinary background must be a believer of hard ork can bring you success. So, hen they get elected, I bet they ill still live ith this philosophy and do hatever it takes to not let his people don.
Besides, I am pretty sure, ordinary people understand the city better and therefore gain more support from local citizens. you kno, they might be from the orking class and can easily find out hat real problems lie in the society.
托福口语练习题目Do you agree or disagree that people should spend some time on reading nes about other countries?
Sample anser
Well, quite honestly, I totally agree that people should spend time atching nes about other countries. This is primarily because, first, people can receive more information, I mean, they ill get to kno more about hat’s going on in the orld, like, the latest scientific breakthrough. So, in this ay, people can actually keep up ith times and expand their orldvie.
Besides, it is also quite interesting to atch some nes from other countries. Sometimes, e might e across some fun facts or amusing local stories in the nes, hich could have us in stitches. So, e might end up in a good mood.
Some people like to have independence to do tasks and decide hat to do, hile others like to be told hat they should do directly. Which one do you prefer?
假设我们选independent ay of orking,那么给出三种可能的思路
01 have the say 有话语权
I don’t enjoy having someone looking over my shoulder all the time. If I can have the say over ho I do my ork, I can enjoy much more freedom. But if I have to report to my manager about everything I’m doing, it ould shift my focus aayfrom the ork itself.
have someone looking over one’s shoulder: 受到监督(想象如果李老师告诉你今晚我看着你做作业哦
托福口语模板多教本国历史 少教世界史
托福口语题目Schools should teach more on the domestic history of students’ on country and teach less on the orld history. Do you agree or disagree ith such a statement? Give specific explanation in your response.学校应该多教本国历史,少教世界历史。你是否同意这样的观点,在回答中给出具体的解释。
郝新宇老师的Sample response:
I disagree ith such a statement. The main reason is such a choice ill inhibit students’ understanding toards history. If only studying the domestic history of students’ on country, they can merely kno hat has happened in their on country. But the fact is that each country has its on specific or unique history, thus if getting to kno the orld history, students ill kno hat people ate in the past in other countries, hat different empires ere like in different places, ho people led their lives in other civilization and so on. Then students ill have a more overall and objective understanding toards the orld, toards culture diversity.