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china wc go to voyeur

编辑:小语种学习 2024-02-22 20:26 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com
     In China, most public toilets are squatting ones hich can be found in mercial areas and are usually ell-marked. 10 tips can guide foreigners in China to solve urgent problem.
The "estern" toilet is making inroads into China and in bigcities and airports, you'll find a fe of them in the ro oftoilets in the bathroom. Hoever, there are still lots and lots andlots of squatty potties and likely as not, you'll venture into one.It's not as hard as it seems, but it's good to kno hat you'regetting into before you go...
1. Pack Tissues. Before you even leave the hotel, make sureyou've got portable toilet paper ith you. Lots of public restroomsdon't provide it. Wet ipes and hand sanitizer are also good tohave along as if there's a sink, there may not be any soap, andprobably no toels either。
2. Plan Your Business 1. "Preventive Peeing" or going beforeyou go is a good ay to avoid getting caught in a place that on'thave a nice toilet. (Nice doesn't necessarily mean Western by theay。) Pretend you're all five years old and make sure everyone goesbefore you leave the house。
3. Plan Your Business 2. If you're going to be out and about,think about here you'll be and try to plan some pit-stops inbeteen. Especially in big cities, international hotels, upscalerestaurants and shopping malls ill have clean ashrooms ith mostof the amenities (toilet paper, Western toilets, soap andtoels).Places to avoid using the bathroom: large markets(especially outdoor markets), street-side public bathrooms (thoughthey're improving), tourist spots。
4. Bag Hand-Off. If you can, hand any unnecessary bags to a friend hile youuse the ashroom. There are generally no hooks and you'll need yourhands to balance, to dig around your purse for tissues and to holdon to the door if the lock is broken。