Dear students and colleagues,
The Government today announced that from 6pm today (March 12th) until March 29thinclusive all schools and higher education institutions should close, and institutions should make other arrangements for teaching and learning and other activities in line ith their business continuity plans.
In line ith this directive, the UCC campus ill be closed for this period from 6pm today. The safety and elfare of our students and staff is paramount.
Online teaching and learning ill be provided for staff and students from Monday 16th March and critical services (including critical research infrastructure) ill be maintained during this period.
UCC staff are expected to ork remotely to the maximum extent possible during this period, in line ith the Government advice issued today. Please agree your remote orking arrangements ith your relevant line management. A guide to remote orking has been prepared to assist all staff and is available here.
Notithstanding the closure of campus, there ill be an ongoing requirement for some critical staff to continue to be available to ork onsite.
Learning Online/在线上课
Students ill receive their teaching and learning online via Canvas from Monday 16th March 2020 until the end of the current semester. Guidance on use of Canvas and other online tools is available here. We strongly encourage staff and students to spend time familiarising themselves ith this guidance.
Examinations & Assessment/考试与评估
No formal examinations ill occur during this period from 13th March to 29thMarch inclusive. We ill issue further updates on examinations and assessment as soon as possible. The University ill ensure that no student is disadvantaged in terms of academic assessment by any alternative measures hich e may introduce.
Student Placement/学生实习
All non-healthcare student placement is suspended for the period referred to above. This position ill be revieed again on the 30th March 2020. Placements not yet menced ill be deferred during this period and placement ceases for this period for students currently on placement. Students ill not be penalised from an academic perspective for any deferral or postponement of placement and alternatives arrangements or timing for the placement ponent of the curriculum ill be considered by the University.
Healthcare placement ill remain under continuous revie in collaboration ith our clinical partner sites.
Study Abroad/出国留学
In vie of the direction from the Government today and the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organisation, UCC students ho are currently overseas as part of their studies ill be recalled. Where possible, such students should continue to engage ith their host universities abroad online.
UCC ill ensure such students currently abroad are not disadvantaged in terms of academic assessment by this decision.
Arising from the closure of the campus, all events scheduled to take place beteen 13th March and 29th March inclusive ill be postponed. This includes all recruitment activity.
In vie of the direction from the Government today and the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organisation, no non-essential University related travel ill take place during this period of closure.
Health Advice/健康建议
Please note staff ho are diagnosed ith COVID-19 or are medically advised to self-isolate ill be placed on special leave ith pay. Further details of this are available here.
Single Source of Information/唯一信息来源
With a large amount of unofficial information in circulation on social media and other platforms, it is important in these anxious times to ensure that our information and advice is based on the national guidance and expert professional advice. The University’s COVID-19 ebsite is the sole source of factual information relating to our campus and e urge you to consult this resource regularly.
We must continue to support each other during this difficult time and e ould like to acknoledge the considerable efforts of our UCC munity to date in dealing ith this unprecedented challenge that e face.
We appreciate your patience at this time as e implement these measures and e thank you for your continued co-operation and support.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Patrick G. O’Shea
Professor John O’Halloran
Deputy President and Registrar