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编辑:留学机构 2020-04-26 07:26 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com

  今天收到DIT 都柏林理工学院 外事处主任 Dr Robert Flood 的邮件,告诉我一个振奋人心的消息。 爱尔兰7所大学里面又有一个成员加入了-都柏林科技大学,他将成为 爱尔兰第一所科技大学。


  As you ill kno DIT formed an alliance ith to other institutes of technology (Blanchardston and Tallaght) in the greater Dublin area and submitted an application to the Minister of Education to merge and to be re-designated as a Technological University.  The formal application as submitted earlier this year and revieed by a panel of international education experts. Folloing the panel’s revie and remendation, the Prime Minister, Minister of Education & Skills and Minister of Finance announced their decision on the 17th of July, 2018 to establish Technological University, Dublin making it Ireland’s first technological university.

  Technological University, Dublin (TU Dublin) ill formally be established in January, 2019 and as a result DIT, and the institutes of technology in Blanchardston and Tallaght ill cease to exist. All rights, obligations and contracts from the merging institutions ill by la, transfer automatically to TU Dublin. This means that all students joining us from January, 2019 ill join TU Dublin and NOT DIT, and the first graduates of TU Dublin ill receive their aards in 2019.

  The legislation to permit the establishment of Technological Universities as enacted in March this year.  It introduces a ne type of Irish University that ill be different but plementary to the traditional universities.  Positioned at the convergence of the arts, business, sciences and technologies, it ill offer an inclusive student experience ith pathays to graduation from apprenticeship to PhD level.

  The announcement ensures an extremely busy period of transition for all in TU Dublin. For those of us in DIT it is a ele recognition of DIT’s contribution to Ireland’s economic, social and cultural development. It builds on a tradition that extends back to our formation in 1887. It ill be a ne and exciting chapter in our development. Change alays brings some uncertainty and the purpose of this message is (1) to inform you of this major milestone in our history but also (2) to try to provide some clarity about the impact of these changes that ill take place in the ing months.

  Over the ing eeks and months e ill keep you up to date on any changes that ill take place and please feel free to contact me or any of the team in the International Office if have any questions or queries.

  由都柏林理工学院(DIT),布兰查斯镇理工学院(Blanchardston IT),塔拉理工学院(Tallaght IT)意向共同组建的都柏林理工大学联盟(TU4Dublin)早前正式向爱尔兰高等教育局递交了申请。专家小组的审查和建议之后,总理、教育技术部长和财政部长宣布,2018年7月17日决定成立技术大学,都柏林理工学院(Dublin Institute of Technology, DIT)、ITTallaght和IT Blanchardston合并,宣布成为爱尔兰的第一所技术大学。

  据湖南出国留学湖南出国留学介绍,都柏林理工大学 (TU Dublin)将于2019年1月正式成立,位于Blanchardston和Tallaght的DIT都柏林理工学院将被撤销。这三所学校的所有权利、义务和合同将依法转让给都柏林理工大学(TUDublin),这就意味着于2019年1月入学的学生都将属于都柏林理工大学 (TU Dublin),不再属于都柏林理工学院(DIT),而且都柏林理工大学 (TU Dublin)将会设立首批毕业生奖学金。

  目前大学的校园已经定在都柏林北部的都柏林理工学院格兰戈尔曼新校区(Grangegorman),该校区建设已投入2.2亿欧元,预计将在2020年底全面完工。据悉, 在爱尔兰创建一所技术型大学的想法早在2004年就已经写入当时的教育报告中了。而三所理工学院用了7年的时间才使得这一想法最终得以实现。爱尔兰高等教育局将邀请一个独立的国际小组来到都柏林参与申请的评估,爱尔兰高等教育局将根据其报告,向教育部长提出建议,并在年底前做出最终决定。都柏林理工学院的校长布赖恩·诺顿(Brian Norton)表示,一所技术性大学可以将理论和实践方法结合起来,无论学生处于课程的哪一个阶段中,学校都可以为期提供足够的支持,为学生之后的就业提供保障。

  今年3月,都柏林理工大学 (TU Dublin)的建立获得了立法的批准。这是一所新型的爱尔兰大学,它将与传统大学有所不同,它将艺术、商业、科学和技术等各学科之间融合,为学生提供从学徒阶段到博士阶段的全面体验与发展。

  都柏林理工大学 (TU Dublin)的理念是建立以行业为中心的研究机构,以吸引国际留学生,并在当地和国家层面发挥出爱尔兰教育的更大影响力。


  最近,高等教育的国务部长玛丽·米切尔·奥康纳(MaryMitchell O ‘Connor)通过了为加快建设都柏林理工大学 (TU Dublin)的相关立法。她表示“都柏林理工大学 (TU Dublin)的创建为该地区的又好又快发展提供了机遇,也为个人、企业和社区的进一步发展提供了机会”。