悉尼大学School of Education and Social Work的最新通知。
根据Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL)的要求,自即日起,申请除Early Childhood教育以外的所有teacher education学位的学生,都需要提交一份个人陈述(personal statement)。这一规定适用于以下课程:
Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education)
Bachelor of Education (Primary Education)
Bachelor of Education(中学教育:人文与社会科学)、Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education(中学教育:科学)、Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Education(中学教育:数学)
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Music (Music Education)
Master of Teaching (Primary)
Master of Teaching (Health and Physical Education)
Master of Teaching (Secondary)
Master of Teaching (School Counselling)