In our hyper-technological age, the ay e interact ith others face-to-face tells others ho ell e ork ith others, as ell as our ability to maintain good interpersonal relations.
This makes the job intervie especially critical for anyone looking for a ne job--perhaps even more so for millennials. Here are 5 job intervie mistakes that millennials often make, so you can be sure not to make them too.
1. Overusing the ord "Like"
1. 过度使用“像”这个字眼
Even though e all have problems ith inserting the ord into our everyday speech, peppering our every other ord ith "like" has implications millennials may not even be aare of. It can make us appear like e're second guessing ourselves, not confident in hat e're saying, or even of a loer intelligence level than e really are.
2. Fetting to put your phone on silent
2. 忘记把手机调为静音状态
If your phone constantly pings and makes other noises during your intervie, the person you're talking to ill not be impressed. For a generation that alays has a phone in hand, not taking a couple seconds to make sure it on't disturb the intervie is a sure sign of carelessness.
3. Dressing inappropriately
3. 穿着不得体
Although ork attire no tends more toard casual than a three-piece business suit, it's still incredibly uofessional to sho up in clothing that's clearly not suitable for the office. Shoing in a sloppy ensemble shos a lack of effort that could be easily averted.
4. Bragging
4. 夸夸其谈
In a generation that values the individual above anything else, it can feel almost like second nature to talk too much about oneself. Remember that there's a fine line beteen bragging and relaying hat you have or haven't done, so find the balance beteen saying too little--and saying too much.
5. Not doing the research
5. 事先没有进行资料搜集
A preliminary Google search regarding the pany you ant to ork for takes no more than 5 minutes, but the knoledge goes a long ay. Even though e live in an age of extreme connectivity and Inter knoledge overload, don't fet to brush up on your facts before meeting up ith your intervieer.