Want to prepare for your next job intervie? 正在准备下一场求职面试吗?
Start thinking about ho you'd fare in a zombie apocalypse. 先思考一下你在僵尸入侵的时候会有哪些遭遇吧。
Sometimes, intervieers just ant to get a sense of ho ell you're able to think outside the box. 有时候,面试官只是想要了解一下你跳脱思维框架的能力如何。
That's hy it's not too surprising that some of the most successful executives out there like to ask some pretty eird questions during job intervies. 所以你也不必惊讶,有些成功的管理者们总会喜欢提问一些奇怪的面试问题。
Here are some of those oddball questions. 下面给大家列举其中的一些奇怪问题。
1. 'On a scale of one to 10, ho eird are you?' 1. “如果给你自己的古怪程度打分,1-10,你会打几分?”
One of Zappos' core values is to "create fun and a little eirdness," Tony Hsieh, CEO of the pany, tells Business Insider. 美捷步公司(美国的一个鞋子品牌)的核心价值文化之一是“创造乐趣和一点古怪”。这是美捷步公司的首席总裁Tony Hsieh告诉Business Insider网站记者的。
To make sure he hires candidates ith the right fit, Hsieh typically asks the question: "On a scale of one to 10, ho eird are you?" He says the number isn't too important, but it's more about ho people anser the question. Noheless, if "you're a one, you probably are a little bit too straight-laced for the Zappos culture," he says. "If you're a 10, you might be too psychotic for us." 为了确保聘用最合适的人才,Hsieh常常都会提问面试者“如果给你自己的古怪程度打分,1-10,你会打几分?”他表示分数多少并不重要,重要的是人们怎么解释这个答案。不管怎样,他表示,如果“你打了1分,那么你对美捷步公司文化的印象就太刻板了。如果是10分,对于我们来说,你就是个疯子了。”
Another question Zappos usually asks candidates is: "On a scale of one to 10, ho lucky are you in life?" Again, the number doesn't matter too much, but if you're a one, you don't kno hy bad things happen to you (and probably blame others a lot). And if you're a 10, you don't understand hy good things alays seem to happen to you (and probably lack confidence). 一个美捷步公司常常提问面试者的问题是“从1-10分,你觉得在生活中你的幸运程度如何?”重申,分数本身没多大重要性,但如果你打1分,你就不知道为什么糟糕的事情总是发生在你的身上(并且还会常常抱怨他人)。如果你打的是10分,那你就不太了解为什么好事情总让你碰上了(还有可能失去自信)。
2. 'What as the last costume you ore?' 2. “你上次穿的是什么衣服?”
It doesn't matter so much hat they ore, but hy they ore it. If the candidate's reasoning matches Warby Parker's core value of injecting "fun and quirkiness into ork, life, and everything they do," they might have a real shot at getting a job there. 其实问题就人们穿什么来说并不重要,重要的是他们为什么要穿这样的衣服。如果面试者的推理过程与Warby Parker公司的核心价值观相符合——“给工作,生活,以及他们所创造的一切融入乐趣与多变”,那么就很有可能拿下了这个工作机会。
"We find that people ho are able to make the job environment fun build folloership more easily," the pany's cofounder and co-CEO David Gilboa tells Iris Mansour at Quartz. "If e hire the most technically skilled person in the orld hose ork style doesn't fit here, they on't be successful." “我们发现,如果人们能够营造舒适欢乐的工作环境,他们常常也更容易建立良好的人际关系。”这是Warby Parker公司的创始人及首席总裁之一David Gilboa在Quartz网站上对Iris Mansour的回复。“如果我们聘用了世界上技术最出众的员工,他的气场与公司的氛围一点都不符合,那么他们也不会取得成功。”
3. 'If you ere an animal, hich animal ould you be?' 3.“如果你是一种动物,你会是哪一种?”
"The animal kingdom is broad, and everyone can identify ith a specific animal they think embodies their on personalities and characteristics," Stormy Simon, president of Overstock, tells Business Insider. “动物王国的范围非常广泛,而每一个人都能找到一种特定的动物来表示他们本人的个性。”Stormy Simon是Overstock的总裁,接受Business Insider记者采访时说道。
"There are so many different human traits, here in the animal kingdom they put themselves, and hy, really gives insight to the person ansering the question. For example, just because you love dogs doesn't mean you ould identify yourself as a dog," she explains. “人类的个性多种多样,在动物王国里,他们把自己放在动物的位置上,也就是我们从中能够真实的审视回答问题的面试者的原因。比如说,虽然你很喜欢狗,不意味着你会用狗来形容自己。”她解释道。
Good ansers, she says, are here the candidate picks an animal that they think truly personifies the traits that set them apart. "People have often chosen the same animal as other candidates, but the traits they describe have never been the same," says Simon. But they're not all good ansers. 她表示,聪明的回答应该是求职者们找到最能描述个人特点的动物。“人们常常选择与别人相同的动物,他们所描述的特性却从不一致。”Simon说道。不过这些答案都不完全是好的答案。
4. 'What do you ant to be hen you gro up? 4. “你长大了想当什么样的人?”
Steart Butterfield, the cofounder of Flickr and chief executive of Slack, likes to ask job candidates this question e've been ansering for our teachers and parents since e ere kids. Steart Butterfield是Flickr网站的创始人之一,也是Slack公司的首席执行官,在给求职者面试的时候,他喜欢提出一些我们小时候曾经回答过老师或家长所提出的问题。 "Good ansers are usually about areas in hich they ant to gro, things they ant to learn, things that they feel like they haven't had a chance to acplish yet but ant to acplish," he tells Adam Bryant of The Ne York Times. "A very short anser to that question ould be automatically bad." 他告诉《纽约时报》的记者Adam Bryant“好的回答通常都是围绕着他们想要成长的环境,他们想的知识,以及那些他们觉得没有机会实现但希望去实现的事情的。简短的回答一般都不奏效。”
5. 'What ould you do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?' 5. “如果把你放在僵尸启示录的场景里,你会怎么做?”
This seems like a ridiculous question to ask, but it's posed to every prospective employee at Capriotti's Sandich Shop, a national restaurant franchise. Ashley Morris, the pany's CEO, says it's the best ay to learn ho candidates react under pressure. 虽然这个问题看起来很荒谬,不过Capriotti’s Sandich Shop这家遍布全国的连锁餐饮店,却把这个问题贴出来让每一个潜在员工思考。
"There really is no right anser, so it's interesting to get someone's opinion and understand ho they think on their feet," Morris explains. "The hope is that for us, e're going to find out ho this person is on the inside and hat's really important to him, hat his morals really are, and if he'll fit on the cultural level." Morris解释“这个问题没有标准答案,所以能够了解每个人的观点以及他们如何独立思考是一件非常有趣的事情。我们希望了解这个人的内心想法以及对他来说最重要的是什么,他的个人道德怎么样,以及他是否符合我们公司的文化水平。”
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