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编辑:小语种学习 2019-05-30 19:06 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com

Are you illing to ork overtime? This depends on you; you can anser as you ish. Hoever, if it is difficult to find job or this is a good job, you should consider orking overtime illingly.

Anser samples

1. I love my job and hen a project deadline is ing up, everyone has to pull together to finish it – even if that means investing our beloved eekends…
1. 我喜欢这份工作,期限快到时,每个人都会全力以赴把它做好——即使这需要我们放弃美好的周末……

2. I do understand that it ill occasionally be necessary in softare industry to ork overtime. Generally I feel that the ork can be pleted on time if e ork sincerely and utilize the ork hours. Hoever I have no problem in orking overtime if the project deadlines are very tight and requires me to ork hard.
2. 我明白做软件这行,偶尔加班是必要的。我觉得如果努力做事而且充分利用时间的话,工作是能按时完成的。如果工期紧强度大的话加班也没问题。

3. I am very responsible person ,and I have definite plan and I go according to that in a systematic ay, so in case I am behind schedule I ill surely ork overnight and make sure i plete it in time.

4. It depends on the responsibilities on your shoulder. if I have to plete a task then I can ork overnight and eekends…………. after that I ill be happy that I have pleted my job on time.
4. 这要看我肩上的担子重不重了。是我该做好的事我会没日没夜的做,做好后我会很高兴自己按时完成了工作。

5. I can normally ork in a fe nights or eekends of overtime through the month if required to meet some deadlines. I hope projects are scoped and scheduled in such a ay that overtime and nights are not a mon requirement.
5. 通常来说要赶进度的话,我可以晚上或周末加班。我希望项目能安排得好些,不需要经常彻夜加班。